Key Factors for Driving Optimal Performance

Organizations, like all living organisms, compensate “limitations” to achieve short-term “results” – but at what cost? All too often it is not sustainable

Letting your “best” team members cover for weaker ones leads to burnout

When the body relies on the hyper mobility of one joint to overcome limitations in another area, the eventual result is structural damage in the overstressed area.

In an organization, when individuals or groups of individuals are constantly “picking up the slack” they eventually burn out and quality drops even in their core competencies.

Easy victories don’t mean you’re optimizing potential

Past success may lead to a false sense of proficiency.Having achieved some subjective measure of success (sales, profits, winning matches..) does NOT mean your team is performing up to maximum potential. Top performers in all areas are constantly seeking those millimetres of improvement. If you’re not growing, you’re plateauing, which is taboo if you want to be world-class.

Deliberate practice to flow

The ability to perform at exceptionally high levels, known as «flow» (Csikszentmihalyi), requires many hours of structuredDeliberate Practice (Ericsson) focussed on marginal improvements of each individual component of performance.

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